The protective film has been applied on stainless steel sheet for too long time, so it becomes hard to
peel it off. Are there good methods to solve this problem? Some films have already pulverized due to
overuse. Dig with hands or scrape with knife? Both methods will take a very long time and the adherend
surface can be damaged easily.
Let’s introduce some good methods for you.
1, Dig a wet paper towel in alcohol (Better use industrial alcohol. Or medical alcohol can make do.) Then
wipe the stainless steel sheet with this towel. Rub for a few times and the stainless steel sheet will be
2, Use acetone. Steps as above. Only a little acetone can completely clean the stainless steel sheet. The
best about acetone is that it can remove the residual glue very quickly and easily. Acetone is better than
Above two are both solvent. They are the best of all methods.
3, Use nail polish remover. The steps are same as above, like using alcohol and acetone. It is not
necessary to use good nail polish remover. Any kind that can remove nail enamel will be ok.
4, Use banana oil, which is a kind of industrial agent that is used to remove oil paint. It can be bought
easily on market, especially at shops which sell paint. Operating steps are same as above.
5, Use hand cream. Peel the plastic film bit by bit. Then coat the surface with hand cream. Then slowly
rub with your thumb. In a while, the residual film and glue will be rubbed off. This method takes more
time than above four methods. Hand cream is oil substance and it is incompatible with glue.
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